What's new on this site: October-December 2012

For more details, with links, of the latest batch of updates, see the update page.

19 December 2012:

New material

In the Feet of Fines section, abstracts of fines for Bedfordshire (1327-1358) (267 fines), Buckinghamshire (1327-1359) (412 fines), Hampshire (1327-1354) (335 fines) and Herefordshire (1327-1358) (183 fines) have been added.

I am very grateful to James Poynor for sending me a photograph of a further medieval document in his possession - an indenture of John Holme of Holme (in the parish of Paull in the East Riding of Yorkshire) and Elizabeth, his wife, dated 1432. The photograph and a translation of the text can be found here.

New links

For older additions, see: