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1. This indenture made the xxiiith day of october in the xxith yere of the reigne of
our sou[er]aigne lady Elizabeth by the grace god of England/ Fraunce & Ireland
quene defendour of the Faith[e] &c Betwene John Conyworthe of Yardeley in
the County of
2. Wygorn’ (Worcestershire) yoman’ on’ the one p[ar]tye and John Byrche of
Shelfeld in the county of Staff[ordshire] yoman’ on’ the other p[ar]tie
wyttenessith[e] that for & in consideracon’ of the some’ of Fourescore tenne
pound[es] (90 pounds) of lawfull money of England to the seid John Conyworth
well & truly
3. contented/ & paid aforehande by the seid John Byrche, wherof & wherwith
the seid John Conyworth doth knowlege & confesse hym self to be Fully
contented satisfied & paide and of the seid some of Lxxxxli & of eu[er]y p[ar]te
& p[ar]cell therof doth clerely exon[er]at[e] acquyte &
4. dyscharge the seid John Byrche hys heires executours & admynystratours &
eu[er]y of them by these p[re]sent[es] , he the seid John Conyworth hath
bargayned solde & graunted and by thesese p[re]sent[es] doth fully clerely &
absolutely bargayn’ sell & graunt unto the seid John
5. Byrche hys heires & assign' for eu[er], all that Closse of lande or pasture
called Orseyhall otherwise called Collehall with one more and one Croft
adioynynge to the same closse or pasture and one p[ar]cell of medowe lyinge in
a certeyn’ medowe called Wasshebroke
6. medowe with all man[er] of p[ro]fett[es] co[m]modytyes & easiament[es]
what so eu[er] to the same belongynge with all & syng[u]ler
thappurten[a]nc[es] scituate lying & beynge within the lordshipp[e] of Russhall'
in the seid County of Staff[ordshire] and nowe or late in the
tenure or x x x
7. occupacon’ of the seid John Byrche or of hys assigne or assignees and also all
the estate right tytle int[er]est reu[er]con’ remaynder & demands* what so eu[er]
of hym the seid John Conyworth of in & to all & syng[u]ler the p[re]mysses &
of eu[er]y p[ar]te & p[ar]cell therof and
8. also all rent[es] s[er]uices & yerely p[ro]fett[es] what so eu[er] res[er]ued
apon any dymyse graunt or lease heretofore made of the p[re]mysses or of any
p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof together with all ded[es] evidenc[es] Charters
wrytyng[es] escript[es] & mynument[es] only conc[er]nynge the p[re]mysses x
9. or only any p[ar]cell [apparently altered from p[ar]te] therof To haue & to
holde the seid closse of lande or pasture and all other the p[re]mysses with
thappurten[a]nc[es] unto the seide John Byrch hys heires & assign' for
eu[er] to the only sole & p[ro]per use & behove of the same John Byrche hys
heires & assign'
10. for eu[er], and also the seid John Conyworth doth Coven[a]nt & graunt for
hym self hys heires executours & admynystratours & eu[er]y (one) of them to &
with the seid John Byrch hys heires executours & admynystratours & eu[er]y
(one) of them by these p[re]sent[es] in mann[er] & forme
11. Folowynge that ys to wytt that he the seid John Conyworth at the tyme of
the ensealynge & delyu[er]ye of these p[re]sent[es] ys lawfully seased of all &
syng[u]ler the p[re]mysses by these p[re]sent[es] menc[i]oned or ment to be
bargayned & solde and of eu[er]y p[ar]te & p[ar]cell thereof of
12. a good/ & lawfull estate in Fee symple or Fee taile gen[er]all absolute
without any condicon', and that he hath good and p[er]fett right tytle int[er]est
power & lawfull aucthoritie to bargayne sell graunt & assure all & syng[u]ler
the p[re]mysses by these p[re]sent[es]
13. menc[i]oned/ or ment to be bargayned & solde unto the seid John Byrche
hys heires & assign' for eu[er] to thuse aforeseid and that all & syng[u]ler the
p[re]mysses by these p[re]sent[es] menc[i]oned or ment to be bargayned &
solde and eu[er]y p[ar]te & p[ar]cell therof nowe are and at all & eu[er]y
14. tyme & tymes hereafter shalbe & contynewe clerely exon[er]ated acquited
& dyscharged or From tyme to tyme saved & kept harmeles of & from’ all & all
mann[er] of form[er] bargaynes sales Form[er] tytles joynters dowers statut[es]
marchant statut[es] of thestaple recognisaunc[es]
15. iudgement[es] execuc[i]ons leases rent[es] charg[es] arrerag[es] of rent[es]
and of & From all other charg[es] & incumbraunc[es] what so eu[er] had made
don' suffred p[ro]cured or consented unto or to be had made don' caused
p[ro]cured or suffred by the seid John Conyworth/ the tytle of
16. dower of Anne Nowe wief of the seid John Conyworth & one lease made by
the seid John Conyworth of the p[re]mysses to the seid John Byrche for (the)
t[er]me of twentie one yeres yet induryng and the chief rent[es] & s[er]uic[es]
hereafter to be due unto the chief lord of the Fee
17. therof onely excepted & forprised/ And Further the seid John Conyworth
doth coven[a]nt & graunt for hym self hys heires executours & admynystratours
& eu[er]y (one) of them to & with the seid John Byrche his heires executours &
admynystratours & eu[er]y (one) of them by these
18. that he the seid John Conyworth & Anne hys wief & the heires of the same
John Conyworth and all & eu[er]y other p[er]son’ & p[er]sons havynge or
lawfully claymynge any estate of enherit[a]unce or Freeholde in possession
reu[er]con[e] or remaynder of in or to the p[re]mysses or any p[ar]te
19. or p[ar]cell therof by or From the seid John Conyworth at all & eu[er]y tyme
& tymes hereaft[er] for & durynge the space of two yeres next ensuynge the
date of these p[re]sent[es] apon reasonable request unto them or any of them to
be made by the seid John Byrche hys heires or assign' x
20. shall do make knowlege assure & suffer or cause to be don' made &
executed all & eu[er]y such other act & act[es] thynge & thyng[es] assuraunce
& assuraunc[es] devyse & devyses what so eu[er] as by the seid John Byrche
hys heires or assign' or by the lerned Counsell in the
21. lawe of them or any of them shalbe devysed or advysed & requyred, for the
Further better & more p[er]fett assuraunce suretye & sure makynge of all &
syng[u]ler the p[re]mysses by these p[re]sent[es] menc[i]oned or ment to be
bargayned & solde unto the seid John Byrche & hys
22. heires to thuse aforeseid accordynge to the p[ur]port effect & true meanynge
of these p[re]sent[es] at the cost[es] & charg[es] in the lawe of the seid John
Byrche hys heires & assign', so that the seid John Conyworth & Anne hys wief
or either of them be not compelled or enforced
23. to labour or travell aboue twentie myles from Yardeley aforeseid for
makynge or knowlegynge of any such further assur[a]unce, and moreou[er] the
seid John Conyworth doth coven[a]nt & graunt for hym self hys heires
executours & admynystratours & eu[er]y of them
24. to & with the seid John Byrche hys heires executours & admynystratours &
eu[er]y of them by these p[re]sent[es] that he the seid John Conyworth hys
heires or assign' before the fest of seynt mathewe thappostle next ensuynge the
date herof shall delyu[er] or cause to
25. be delyu[er]ed unto the seid John Byrche hys heires or assign' aswell all
such ded[es] evydenc[es] charters wrytyng[es] escript[es] & mynument[es]
conc[er]nynge onely the p[re]mysses or only any p[ar]te or p[ar]cell therof
which nowe are in hys custody or in the custody of any
26. other p[er]son[e] or p[er]sons to hys use or by hys delyu[er]y which he may
obteyne or come unto without accon’ or sute in the lawe as also true copyes of
all such other ded[es] evidenc[es] charters & wrytyng[es] nowe beynge in hys
custody as conc[er]ne the p[re]mysses
27. or any p[ar]te & p[ar]cell therof & other land[es] & ten[emen]t[es] of the
seid John Conyworth to be Copied & wrytton’ out apon’ request as aforeseid at
the cost[es] & charg[es] of the seid John Byrche hys heires or assign' In
wyttenes wherof the p[ar]ties
28. aboue seid to these p[re]sent indentures int[er]changeably haue put their
seall[es] the day & yere aboue wrytton’.
29. Sealed & deliv[er]ed in the p[re]sens of George Bott John Chitterton(?)
30. Humfrey Ilsley Edward Byrche Will[ia]m Byrche & Thomas
31. Ilsley
32. John Conyworthe
33. [J. Byrch??]
[Shelfield (in Walsall) and Rushall are in Staffordshire.]
[I am grateful to Jim Poynor for kindly providing the photographs of this document and the transcript on which the one above is based.]