Medieval English families on the internet: N
- John Horace Round, The Origin of the Nevilles, in
Feudal England (1895)
(McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought)
Short paper speculating about the ancestry of Robert fitz Maldred, male-line ancestor of the Nevilles.
Feudal England is available as a PDF file (17.6 MB)
- Richard de Nevill (Pat Patterson)
Biography, from J.R.Planché's The Conqueror and His Companions (1874); to be used with caution, as indicated by the transcriber
- de Novo Burgo Chronicles
This is the successor to the "World Wide Newburgh Project" website. It is password-protected, so users need to request access through free registration.
Newburgh Line (Earls of Warwick) (Homer Beers James/Paul McBride)
Narrative pedigree, 11th-13th centuries;
this material, based on older secondary sources, should be treated with caution
- The Norfleets of medieval England (Phil Norfleet) [not available, 4 November 2007; see the Internet Archive's copy of this page, from October 2006]
Notes on Norfleets from Kent and other counties, 13th and 14th centuries
- The Virginian Connection
(Cedric T. Nottingham) [not available, 6 March 2011]
An 81-page account in PDF format, including details of Nottinghams and associated
families in Kent, 13th century and later (chapter 7), Ireland, 14th century and later
(chapter 8) and Suffolk, 15th century and later (chapters 5 and 7)