Receipt issued to Bartholomew Kempe on behalf of Thomas Howard, duke of Norfolk, 1544

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Receipt issued by James Underwoode, the feodary (an official who dealt with the estates of deceased tenants) of Thomas [Howard], duke of Norfolk, for 100 shillings paid as a relief when Bartholomew Kempe, esquire, son and heir of Robert Kempe, esquire, succeeded as the duke's tenant of the manor of Flordon, in the county of Norfolk. The money was delivered by Bartholomew's son and heir apparent, Robert. 30 May 1544.

Nouerint vniuersi per presentes me Iacobum Vnderwoode Feodarium prenobilis principis Thome ducis Norff' magni Theausarii Anglie et Comitis Marescalli eiusdem recepisse & habuisse die confeccionis presencium de Bartholomeo Kempe Armigero filio et herede Roberti Kempe Armigeri ad vsum dicti domini ducis Centum solidos legalis monete Anglie per manum Roberti Kempe filii et heredis apparentis eiusdem Bartholomei pro Releuio suo pro Manerio suo de Flordon' in dicto Comitatu Norff' tento de dicto domino duce per Seruicium vnius feodi militis In Cuius rei testimonium presentibus Sigillum meum apposui Datum penultimo die mensis marcii Anno regni Henrici Octaui dei gracia Angilie Frauncie & Hibernie Regis fidei defensoris Ac in terra Ecclesie Anglicane et Hibernice supremi Capitis tricesimo sexto
per me Iacobum Vnderwoode

Be it known to all by these presents that I James Underwoode, Feodary of the right honourable prince Thomas duke of Norfolk, Lord High Treasurer of England and Earl Marshal of the same, have received and had on the day of the making of these presents from Bartholomew Kempe, Esquire, son and heir of Robert Kempe, Esquire, for the use of the said lord duke, one hundred shillings of lawful English money, by the hand of Robert Kempe, son and heir apparent of the same Bartholomew, for his relief for his Manor of Flordon in the said County of Norfolk, held of the said lord duke by the Service of one knight's fee. In Witness Whereof, I have affixed my seal to the presents. Given on the penultimate day of the month of May, in the 36th Year of the reign of Henry VIII, by the grace of god King of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, and supreme Head of the Church of England and Ireland on earth.
By me James Underwood.

[The photograph above was kindly provided by James Poynor. The transcript and translation are adapted from Luciano Nardone's.]