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Confirmation by Thomas de Broughton, knight, of a grant by Roger, the rector of the church of Broughton, and John Gerard, the rector of the church of Shenington, of the manor of Cheswick, to Richard Gower and John Waryng of Tanworth. Broughton, 26 September 1372.
Broughton and Shenington are in Oxfordshire; Cheswick is in the parish of Tanworth, in Warwickshire.
O[mn]ib[us] ad quos hoc p[re]sens sc[ri]ptu[m] p[er]ven[er]it Thom[as] de
Broughton Miles Sal[ute]m in d[omi]no Cu[m] Rog[er] Rect[or] eccl[es]ie de
Broughton et Joh[a]n[ne]s Gerard Rect[or] eccl[es]ie de Shenyndon p[er]
quodd[am] f[a]c[tu]m eor[um] indentatu[m] concesserint et dimiseri[n]t
Ric[ard]o Gower et Joh[ann]i Waryng de Tonneworthe man[er]iu[m] de
Chesewyk cu[m] p[er]tin[enciis] H[abe]nd[um] et tenend[um] p[ro]ut in
p[re]dict[o] f[a]cto inde[n]tato pleni[us] continet[ur] Nov[er]it[is] me
p[re]dict' concession[em] et dimissione[m] p[er] p[re]dict[um] Rog[erum] et
Joh[ann]em Gerard factas p[ro] me et h[er]ed[ibus] meis ratificasse et
confirmasse p[er] p[re]sent[es] In cui[us] rei testi[m]oniu[m] sigillu[m]
meu[m] p[re]sent[ibus] apposui Dat' apud Broughton die dominica
p[ro]x[ima] post f[estu]m s[an]c[t]i Mathei ap[osto]li Anno regni Reg[is]
Edwardi tercij post conquestu[m] quadragesimo sexto
To all, to whom this present deed will reach, Thomas de Broughton, knight,
greetings in the lord. Whereas Roger, rector of the church of Broughton, and
John Gerard, rector of the church of Shenyndon, by their certain deed,
indented, granted and demised to Richard Gower and John Waryng of
Tonneworthe the manor of Chesewyk with appurtenances. To have and to hold
just as in the aforesaid deed, indented, is more fully contained, know you
that I have caused to be ratified and have confirmed the aforesaid grant and
demise made by the aforesaid Roger and John Gerard for me and my heirs by
these presents. In testimony of which matter, I have affixed my seal to
these presents. Dated at Broughton on Sunday next after the feast of St
Matthew the apostle in the 46th year of the reign of King Edward III after
the conquest [26 September 1372].
[The photograph above was kindly provided by James Poynor, together with the transcript and translation by Simon Neal, which I have modified slightly.]