Notes on sources for the Alington family

The accompanying chart and narrative pedigrees of the early Alingtons have been compiled from various sources. I have tried to indicate, with a question mark, any information which has not been verified in a primary source - in several of these cases the secondary sources are probably the only ones that have survived.

The earlier Alingtons are discussed in several secondary works:

Some additional primary sources, apart from those already mentioned in the outline history of the Argentein family, are the following:

There are several pedigrees of the family from the 16th and 17th centuries. As always, these need to be treated with caution, but their annotations do seem to preserve some evidence - particularly from monumental inscriptions - which has not survived elsewhere.

Members of the family were commemorated by a number of monumental brasses. Details of the earlier monuments are as follows:

The evidence for the 2nd and 3rd marriages of William Alington (d.1459) is as follows: